wIRA indications
hydrosun® is a mobile medical device for wIRA therapy, which has been used for decades as an efficacious heat and light therapy for a wide range of indications in medical practices and
Non-medical professionals can also use it for themselves and their families. The hydrosun®575home is a standard-compliant device for this purpose.
wIRA therapy
is a particularly useful therapeutic device for chronic or degenerative diseases. When used correctly, it often leads to rapid relief or healing of the symptoms.
wIRA therapy can be used at home due to the simple handling, easy maintenance and robustness of the device.
The hydrosun®575home can be used wherever heat helps and relives. The use of wIRA is recommended after medical consultation and instruction. Under medical supervision,
hydrosun®575home can also be used for special conditions such as wound healing or wart treatment.
Important note!
wIRA is only to be applied to bare skin. Keep at least the distance of the distance rod. Always wear suitable infrared eye protection when treating the face.
This and the following web pages are for general information purposes only. Application procedures are not described in detail and medical advice is not given. The following information must
not replace a detailed consultation with a doctor.